When designing a staircase there are certain components that must be included as part of the structure, and others that will depend on the style you are after and the allowance of space the staircase is being featured in. Basic components can be easily understood by viewing the image below
commonly used timbers
We work closely with our suppliers in sourcing the highest grade timber for the construction of your staircase, balustrade or handrail. Shown here are the most common selected timbers.
Radiata Pine - a softwood that is readily available and easy to work with. Mainly used for structure and stained finishes
Maple - colour tones range from lighter tans to medium browns. A softwood known for its smooth grain and durability
Victorian Ash - a light coloured hardwood with variations from a pale pink to a yellow brown in colour. Typically found with straight grains but occasionally can feature gum veins.
Brushbox -.colours range from greyish pink through to a reddish brown. Features fine interlocked grain free of gum veins with even texture
Blackbutt - can vary from a golden yellow through to a pale brown in colour, with the possibility of a pinkish tinge. The timber is renowned for gum vein and is typically straight grained.
Merbau - colour tones of yellowish-brown or orange-brown before deepening to a pale to dark reddish brown. Naturally oily with high tannin content, and resistant to termites and decay this hardwood is commonly used externally.
Blue Gum - varies from soft pinks to dark pinks and red browns, it typically features gum vein and gum pockets.
Spotted Gum - can vary from a very light coffee brown through to a dark brown in colour, with the possibility of a reddish tinge. A moderately course and uneven textured timber featuring attractive markings
Jarrah - colour tones vary from deep rich reds to browns with even textured grain, though sometimes can be wavy
American Oak (not shown) - vary from a light brown through to a dark brown in colour, and the timber is typically straight grained with a medium to course texture.